Wacky Dual Slide

Setup Area: 22ft L x 16ft W x 17ft H
Actual Size: 20ft L x 16ft W x 17ft H
Outlets: 2
DescriptionHere is the Wacky 18' Dual Slide, suitable for all ages and just about ANY event you could think of hosting.
- Wedding
- Fundraiser
- Bat Mitzvah
- Birthday Week
- Quinceanera
- Half Birthday
- Family Reunion
- Graduation
- Trophy Celebration
- Bar Mitzvah
- Car Show
- Tuesday
- Last Day of School
- First Day of School
- Purim Carnival
- Winter Break
- Just Because
- I'm Sorry
- Spring Break
- I'm Sorry Again
- Annoy Your Neighbor(s)...JK
- The Possibilities are Endless