20 Ft. Gaga FUN

Age Group: 2-200
Here is our smaller Gaga ring, designed for 6-10 kiddos.
Inflatable – easy to inflate and deploy in less than 3 minutes.
Safe – no dangerous hard edges.
Within regulations –with 1 exit/entry points.
Super durable – designed for commercial use.
The official game rules of The Gaga Center:
- All players start with one hand touching a wall of the pit.
- The game begins with a referee throwing the ball into the center of the pit.
- When the ball enters the pit, the players scream 'GA' for the first two bounces, and 'GO' on the third bounce, after which the ball is in action.
- Once the ball is in play, any player can hit the ball with an open or closed hand.
- If a ball touches a player below the knee (even if the player hits himself or herself) he or she is out and leaves the pit. If a player is hit above the knees, the play continues.
- If a ball is caught on a fly, the player who hit the ball is out.
- Players cannot hold the ball.
- If needed, a second ball can be thrown in the pit to expedite the end of the game. The last player standing is the winner of that round.